Sunday, July 27, 2008

Jacob's Room

After changing my mind a million or so times we finally settled on a
dinosaur theme for Jake's room. I figure dinosaur stuff is really easy
to find. And just what lil boy doesn't like dinosaurs?
Right now I have some sketches in chalk done. Still need to
draw a couple dinosaurs and finish painting.

This triceratops looks weird to me but I think its just his eye?
I'm thinking orange and red for him?
I need to angle Mister Longneck's head down to look into
the crib and add a pteradactyl in the sky.
I'm not sure if I ought to end the blue plateaus
right behind the dino's neck or do them all across this
one wall? I did decide I don't want to do them around the
whole room. What do you think of the colors?

This lil family is going to be shades of green. The babiesand eggs were too little to do in chalk so I need to draw them in with a pencil.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You've got to be kidding me. You drew all the dinosaur stuff. It looks great. I like the colors. It is going to look really good when you finish.