Sunday, July 27, 2008

Josey's Room

Joseph picked a mad scientist theme for his room.
As far as paint goes he wants "green with gears"
I'm going to suprise him with a painted cuckoo clock
on the clock wall (he collects clocks now)
and Jerry and a mouse hole next to one of the doors.
Other then that we have been gathering up jars for
"specimens"and just random weird looking stuff.
I have to say I think his room is going to be the funnest
to decorate but he's also the only one not unpacked yet.
He only has one (admittedly huge) box left but
I'm trying not to let myself do much in his
room until it is totally unpacked.

This is one of the shelves against the "clock wall"

This little plastic man is my favorite "specimen" so far I got bored one day and painted this eyeball clock

I love that lamp. We got it at Salvation Army for 3 bucks.

More "specimens"

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