Thursday, May 28, 2009

Ben's Field Day - May 28, 2009

Jacob was not cooperating
(I had to walk home, put him to sleep, put him back in the stroller, and walk back)
so I missed the 5 yard dash and "lame" jump roping but here's the rest...
Talking strategy with his teacher and friends

The "super really big jump" ... See that footprint way back behind him?
That's how far he actually jumped. He ran to the start, stopped, and jumped
but hey it was his favorite thing of the whole day

Darlin' lil Jacob - he threw himself down on the field, I think
if he would've stayed there a couple minutes he would've fallen asleep


Jacob in his one moment of good behavior for the day

He loved it when they fell down (notice the purposely mismatched socks)

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