Astronaut Ben and his alien friends

I thought this giant kaleidoscope was really cool,
the boys were unimpressed though

Josey in the cave

Now this they were very impressed with until Josey said
"It's blowing it up with air, that's all"
To which Ben replied "lame" then they went on to something else

Ben sends a ball down the coaster

Jakers loved this spiral ball thingy

He would've played with this all day

Ben checking out the magnetic/not magnetic table
Ben and I were having a clumsy day, 5 is the most dominos
we got to stay up at a time

He is saying "ummm..freaky"

Josey runs to go cover the news

Josey watching Ben do the cooking show
I was doing it till he downgraded me to the news,
then made me read from a script at that

Jake the newscaster

I think Ben was the better producer,
He didn't roll his eyes at me once

Jakers the Fireman

Jakers buying some fresh plastic produce

Jakers looks over the babies in the nursery

Ben in the Hardware Store

Josey buys some groceries from these 2 heathen kids
They were robbing the grocery store because the
bank was temporarily shut down
but they stopped to check out Josey's groceries
Nice lil robbers eh?

Of course the Vet's office was Ben's favorite part
He wants Adam to build some animal cages
and a sink and counter in his room for him

Josey checks out his dog's x-ray

Ben makes his dog's diagnoses
(he needed a bath, he had "way bad fleas")

Josey - a pilot with a crutch running away from the ambulance
I have no idea.

Ben flying to the North Pole

Jakers at the sand table - "mine!"

Pilot Ben

Pilot Josey in the doctor's office

Ben filling out a birth certificate in the nursery

"Money!" I don't think he knows what its for, but he likes it A LOT

Ben chugs some fake grape juice

It took his so long to arrange this fruit tray just so, right
after I took this picture Jacob came and snatched the pineapple
and replaced it with the burger he'd been carrying around

Haha, Jakers in a doggy pen

Hey wait a minute, this isn't funny

Jakers on the bird bridge
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